CAD/CAM of typical spare parts uses example - - the application of UG

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  • source:WILK CNC Machining
The punch that punch pattern uses here is exemple, introduce the applied process of CAD/CAM. 1, build file File-new to input Camsample2, enter modelling module Application-modeling, if pursue,1 is shown. 3, 150 150 30 of input of bottom modelling Insert-form Feature-block chooses Ok, if pursue,2 are shown. 4, choice Block and X axis are the same as the end face that Insert-form Feature-pad of modelling of protruding stage feature chooses Rectangular to choose Block to choose Pallale At Distance to choose Block and X axis to be the same as to 80 80 50 0 10 of the input side to the choice side Pad and X axis are the same as to central line inputs 75 choices Ok to choose Pallale At Distance to choose Block, if pursue,3 are shown. 5, Insert-form Feature-sphere of hemisphere body modelling chooses Diameter, center inputs 40 choices Pad and Y axis to choose Ok to choose Ok to choose Pad and Y axis to be the same as to the position that midpoint is close to by the side of together to the position that another side is close to midpoint chooses Ok to choose Ok to be like a graph 4 are shown. 6, Insert-form Feature-cylinder of semicircle cylinder modelling chooses Diameter, height choice Yc Axis is inputted 40, if the graph is shown 5 times,110 inputs 75 20 30 chooses Ok. 7, if the Ok of each edge choice that pours Insert-feature Opration-edge Blend of coping round horn to input Default Radius 15 to choose Pad to want round part pursues 6 are shown. 8, if the Ok of each edge choice of hemline of Pad of choice of Default Radius 8 of input of Insert-feature Opration-edge Blend of horn of bottom circle, Block, Clydiner pursues 7 are shown. 9, 150 150 85 of input of Insert-form Feature-block of semifinished product modelling chooses Ok. 10, enter CAM module Application-manufacture to choose CAM Session Configure Mill Contour CAM Setup Mill Contour to if the graph is shown 8 times,choose Initialize. 11, appoint treatment geometry body, if the Block choice Ok that Select of choice of MILL_GEOM of choice of semifinished product Insert-geometry chooses spare parts substance to choose Blank to choose Select to choose the 9th pace to generate pursues 9 are shown. 12, the Block that conceals semifinished product Edit-blank-blank to choose the 9th pace to generate chooses Ok. 13, found cutting tool Insert-tool to input Name M20 to choose Apply to input Diameter 20 to choose Ok to input Name Mr5 to choose Ok to input Diameter 10 to if pursue,input Lower-radius 5 10 are shown. 14, rough machining Insert-operation chooses and Depth Per Cut 3 of input of Ok of choice of content of input graphic representation chooses Generate to if the graph is shown 11 times,choose Ok. 15, semifinishing machining Insert-operation chooses and Depth Per Cut 1 of input of Ok of choice of content of input graphic representation chooses Cut Lever to choose Block above if Ok of choice of Generate of choice Ok choice pursues 12 are shown. 16, the exterior choice Ok that finish machining 1insert-operation chooses and Cut Area of choice of Ok of choice of content of input graphic representation chooses Select to choose all wanting that machine chooses Area Milling to choose Step Over Scallop to input 0.

If Ok of choice of Generate of choice of Ok of choice of Remove Edge Traces of choice of Cutting of choice of 01 choices Ok pursues 13 are shown. 17, the exterior choice Ok that finish machining 2insert-operation chooses and Cut Area of choice of Ok of choice of content of input graphic representation chooses Select to choose all wanting that machine chooses Area Milling to choose Steep Containment to choose Directional Steep to input 35 choices Cut Angle to choose User Defined to input 90 choices Step Over Scallop 0.

If the graph is shown 14 times,Generate of choice of 01 choices Ok chooses Ok. 18, the cutting tool route that chooses all generating, click right key, if Ok of choice of Compare of choice of Play Forward of choice of Dynamic of choice Verify choice pursues 15 are shown. CNC Milling